Project name Inspirator for saving
Client ČSOB
Implementation period 2016
Saving is a regular topic for all banks however only sporadically there is any distinguished product benefit at hand – interest rate or conditions are not a noticeable differentiating aspect. We were looking for a way to inspire the target group to use a savings account and educate them, that even small amounts can bring big pleasure.
We have used Faceboard – a technology that banks and malls use for rating the customers´ experience. We have used this device, which allows detection of passers-by´s faces and offer personalization, for marketing purposes for the first time in Slovakia. The Inspirator for saving was created. We put it next to ČSOB branch in Eurovea mall for three days. When a passerby came to a detectable distance, the Inspirator showed him personalized tips for saving corresponding with the target group. In the end we have reminded the people that they all could have the shown inspirations if they were using the Depozit savings account.
We filmed the situation around the Inspirator and prepared an inspirative video full of surprising reactions which we put and promoted on social media. Older and more conservative part of the target group was reached by PR articles in affinite media.
The video can be found at:
The campaign brought a positive response. The device was used by 339 women and 354 men, 693 passers-by total. The main result was a two-minute viral video which reached 222 792 views.
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Soukenická 1194/13, 110 00 Praha 1